LMX Disability Builders NDIS Registration: 4-I562NRD
LMX Disability Builders NDIS Registration: 4-I562NRD
We begin with the style, what are you looking for, what do you want, the type of doors, the layout in the available space. Give us your wish list.
Disability kitchens require a specialist view, we need to know what the constraints are for the end users. Once we determine the above we then decide on the type and the mechanisms that will be needed to make it work.
We want the experience of a new kitchen to be a wonderful, it will be messy, it will be noisy and there are numerouse moving parts. All form the basis of a beautiful addition to your home. We are proud to be apart of that experience and make you proud.
Maybe you are looking for a commercial kitchen or a kitchen in your back yard to have your friends over, a real focal point in the yard. Anything is possible.
Our disability ramps are functional, complaint, attractive and sfe.